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The Green Heart Project


Students at Julian Mitchell Elementary School, and throughout Charleston County School District, tried something new in the cafeteria today: butternut squash soup. This recipe is part of CCSD's farm to cafeteria program (partnering with Green Heart Project) in which a different vegetable or fruit is featured in items available for students every month. Cafeteria managers are allowed to get creative and submit recipes involving butternut squash to make on the line as well. For example, apples were incorporated into the butternut squad soup at Mitchell.

The Green Heart Project and CCSD also put together a short video for students to watch in their classrooms, which demonstrated how to make this recipe at home and why butternut squash is good for them. Virtual students are also able to go online to view the video to make the dish at home as well. 
Also related to this initiative, each month (through the USDA Farm to School Grant), schools in our district will rotate receiving locally-grown products from the local food hub, Grow Food Carolina. This month teachers at Mitchell signed up classes to receive a take-home "recipe bag" which will include SC grown butternut squash, SC grown apples, and more to create the recipe on the line and watched in the video at home. 

Would you like to learn more or find out how you can help? Check out our link:

Green Hearts Table
principal and students
Students Taste Test
student trying Butternut Squash
students learning about Butternut squash
students trying Butternut squash